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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Benefits of algae

Algae culture is becoming increasingly popular this days, the reason for this is the tremendous potentials of algae as source of bio fuels, drugs, food additive and environmental benefits. Algae are the most dominant living organisms in the ocean and seas, they are also called by ancient Greeks a Sea weed. Algae belong to green plants and they can exist either as unicellular or multicultural organisms. They have a tremendous ability for photosynthesis, in other words they have a tremendous ability to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. In fact more than 53% of all the oxygen that we breath came from algae. Here are some of the lists of algae’s benefits.
Algae is very useful to reduce the worlds CO2 level and reduce global warming and it is also useful to reduce the CO2 emission level from power plants. All species of algae are capable of reducing CO2 level, starting from the unicellular Chlamydomonas species to the Macrocystis and to the Cyanobacteria, they all have huge potential. The CO2 is pumped into the water body that algae present, and the algae feed upon the CO2. This technique of carbon reduction is the number one list on the agenda of reducing global warming. Because it is easy and cost effective.

Algae used to reduce and remove toxic chemicals and fertilizers from sewages and farm drainage outlets respectively. They also play a great role in Oxygenation of sewages. Some species of algae that grows in seawages include Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, Microactinum, Euglena, Volvocales etc. Algae even helps to remove radioactive wastes.

Algae is a very effective means to purify and filter aquariums and fish ponds from undesirable nutrients and chemicals. In addition to this they have an aesthetic value in ponds and aquariums. Species such as Gracillaria spp, green algae, red algae etc. are both beautiful and good purifiers.
In agriculture they can be used as fertilizers, soil conditioners and livestock feed.

Algae is increasingly becoming as a good source of biofuels.

Algae are a good source many pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics.

They are a very nutritious source of food and can be used as food additives in many industries. They are also food for aquatic animals.

They are a source a good natural Pigments.

They are a very reliable source of income.

Algae is increasingly applicable in various industries such as cosmetic industry, leather and textile industries.

Algae is the only source of Agar-agar: the culture medium that is used in laboratories. Some of the most common species of algae used as a source of agar are Pterocladia, Gracilaria, Camplaephora, Eucheuma, etc. Agar also used in soups and sauces, ice creams, cakes and pastries. Agar uses are not only these it is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, leather and textile industries. Agar is a natural laxative, because of its ability to absorb water.

Blue green algae used to fix nitrogen.

Brown algae such as Sargassum and Laminaria species are a very good source of Iodine.

Amount of vitamin C present in some species of algae such as in Sargassum myriocystium is more than that of orange fruits.

One species of algae called Diatoms when decomposed, its earth can be used to make super light bricks.