Small gardens have a lot of advantages. They are easy to manage, need low initial cost and operating cost, less labour costs, family participation, easy to manage, very easy to grow very expensive and difficult to grow plants, relatively low risk and have great potential to apply green technologies with out any obstacles or shortages. I want to focus more on the applicability of solar energy provided by easily and cheaply buld solar panels, to run all the energy requirements of the small garden. Energy requirements in the form of electricity to run water pumps, green house purposes, storage needs such as refrigration of perisable products before marketing and household purposes. There are a lot of advantages of such solar energy first and for most they are very cheap and easy to construct, can be used to supply all the energy requirements of home gardens. In addition to this it slashes the electricity bill for house hold consumption by more than 80%.
The cost of basic solar panel instalation from the retailors, which is $20,000 and it could take you 30 years to pay it back. But you have got an option to build two solar panels with just $100, from earth4energy. You will learn it faster it is all step by step guide and you will end up building a 120 Watt solar pannel for your home.
Home made energy will slash your electricity bill by 80% and it will run all your home garden energy needs
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